Shelby Leigh

Productivity Tip:

Upgrade Your Downtime

You know breaks are essential if you want to stay productive. But how are you spending them? Mindlessly watching cat videos on YouTube may be fine, but you also need some more intentional, nourishing downtime. 

Here’s one idea from the authors of the book Intention: The Surprising Psychology of High Performers:

“Try asking yourself—what is one thing that you can devote 10 minutes a day to getting better at? Ideally, something that doesn’t require travel or significant investment. Try it out for 30 days (do 10 minutes of the thing each day) and see what happens.”

They add that beyond getting better at that thing, you might also find you want to spend more time doing it. So it’s a great way to recharge, develop, and find your path. Why not give it a try?

Routine Breakdown

Shelby Leigh, Bestselling Author & Owner of Marketing by Shelby

A Marketing Maven’s Morning Routine

Shelby Leigh

Author and owner of multi-6 figure business Marketing by Shelby says the first two steps of her routine happen in bed. “I love sitting in bed for 10-15 minutes before getting up, although I do open the curtains as I’ve read that it helps your circadian rhythm for your eyes to be exposed to natural light when you wake up.” (She’s right, by the way!)


The Routine:

  • Plays brain games. “Whether people find it productive or not, I love starting my morning with mind games like Wordle and Nerdle to wake my brain up!”
  • Spends a few quick minutes journaling. “I immediately capture any ideas/things I was thinking about as I woke up so I don’t forget them, as well as to get them out of my mind so I can focus on today’s tasks rather than future problems.”
  • Goes for a morning walk. “Outside, normally after breakfast, or on my walking pad inside while reading emails if it’s cold outside.”
  • Reviews her to-do list. “I plan this the day before but review in the morning and circle the 3 tasks I must get done that day.”


Why it works:

  • Are word games good for your brain? Yes, as long as they continue to challenge you.
  • Journaling is great for mental health—so is doing a brain dump to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper.
  • Morning walks get your blood flowing as well as your creativity, and they boost your mood. Walking outside adds the benefits of sunlight and fresh air.
  • Singling out the day’s priorities keeps you focused on the right things.


If you want to stay on track with your goals, make sure you’re setting your top 3-5 priorities for the day, every day. There’s space to do this in Panda Planner. Building this one small habit can make a huge difference to your life!

Amanda Foster

Wellness Tip:

Move After Meals

Did you know there’s a super-simple hack for keeping your blood sugar in check? All you have to do is move for a few minutes after eating.

“Moving your muscles for 10 minutes after a meal can drastically reduce your glucose response,” says Dr. Casey Means, who suggests taking a walk around the block or even having a quick dance party in the kitchen (double points for making the washing up more fun!).

Research shows that movement helps to prevent blood glucose spikes and keep insulin stable—and as little as two minutes makes a difference. So, how about busting a move while you wash up after dinner today?

Routine Breakdown

Amanda Foster, Owner of Foster Consulting

How a Night Owl Gets Things Done

Amanda Foster

Night owl alert! Award-winning eDesigner and interior design consultant Amanda Foster says she usually gets up at around 3 pm PST and is active online until 5-6 in the morning. 


“I’ve been this way for years,” she says. “I have a lot of clients overseas so it actually works great when I’m coaching or doing mentoring group sessions with people in places like Australia, Tokyo, South Africa, and the UK.”


The Routine:

  • Washes her face. “My mom had ingrained a self-care routine since I was 12.”
  • Has mushroom and collagen coffee, and a bagel with cream cheese and salmon. “Netflix is on in the background or 80s funky music.”
  • Checks email and FB messenger. “I reply to business inquiries and leave voice notes to clients I am coaching – all in my pjs as I get going.”
  • Works on a laptop for 8-10 hours. “I try to break it up with walks around the block. I live by a HUGE park that has a zoo with beautiful gardens – a great place to take a quick 5-10 min stroll.”
  • Jogs and stays mobile. “I jog to help not get couch potato syndrome, and I work on a laptop that can be in the kitchen, living room, coffee shop, or my home office.”


Why it works:

  • A splash of cold water on the face can benefit the skin and it wakes you up!
  • Mushroom coffee has less caffeine and potential benefits like improved brain function and immunity, while collagen may help joints, skin, and more.
  • Regular breaks are essential for productivity. Pair that with movement and exposure to nature, and you have yourself a winning combination. 
  • Jogging is good for your heart, immune system, and mental health—to name just a few.


Amanda’s routine proves that 5 am starts aren’t for everyone: the ideal routine is the one that fits with your lifestyle and natural rhythms. 

Are you a night owl or a morning lark?

Aaron Marino

Wellness Tip:

Find Your Tribe

Struggling to hit your goals? Finding your tribe might be the key! 

Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can make a world of difference. When you’re part of a group that shares your aspirations and understands your challenges, you gain encouragement, motivation, and accountability. 

These connections can provide tools and resources and celebrate your successes with you. Plus, the emotional support can keep you going when things get tough. 

So, seek out people who uplift and inspire you, and watch how their support helps you reach new heights!

Routine Breakdown

Aaron Marino, YouTuber

An Influencer’s Game-Changing Routine

Aaron Marino

As the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer on YouTube with over 6 million subscribers, Aaron Marino says he is “obsessively protective” of his mornings. Here’s his routine.


The Routine:

  • Drinks lemon water to hydrate. 
  • Gets early morning sun exposure for 10-30 minutes.
  • Combines the previous step with outdoor exercise. “It’s going to wake you up, boost your metabolism, and make you feel amazing.” He adds weight training before his jog 3-4 times a week.
  • Has a cold shower. “It builds strength, it builds toughness, it boosts immune function.”
  • Has breakfast, combining healthy fats, good carbohydrates, and protein. “It’s going to give your body the energy it needs without causing your insulin to spike super high.”
  • Plans for the rest of the day and takes time for himself.


Why it works:

  • How’s your water intake? Hydration keeps organs functioning, regulates body temperature, helps brain function, and more. Drink up!
  • Morning sun exposure regulates circadian rhythms and helps you sleep better.
  • Combining resistance training with regular cardio is a recipe for longevity
  • Research suggests cold showers can relieve muscle pain and boost immunity.
  • Balancing macronutrients in meals does help keep blood glucose stable.


Aaron adds that what else you incorporate into your routine is up to you. “Really it boils down to you, your personal preference, and what you enjoy,” whether that’s reading a book, meditating, doing yoga, or prepping for your day. 

For him, incorporating the above steps has been a game-changer. “It makes me more productive, it makes me feel better, sleep better, and that in turn is going to optimize pretty much everything.”

Zara Street

Productivity Tip:

Avoid The Presenteeism Trap

Ever find yourself stuck in the office just to show face? That’s called presenteeism, and it’s a problem. It hinders performance and productivity. 

So here’s a better plan: prioritize output over presence. It’s not about how long you’re at your desk, but how effectively you use your time. This applies if you work from home, too.

  • Start by setting clear goals each day. Focus on what really moves the needle for your work, not just being there. 
  • Take regular breaks to recharge – it boosts your productivity more than you think!
  • Communicate your availability to your team. Let them know when you’re in deep work mode versus open for interruptions. Boundaries keep burnout at bay.
  • Make sure you recover fully from illness before going back to work.

Read more about presenteeism here and avoid the trap of being there just to be there.

Routine Breakdown

Zara Street, Founder of Keep It Bright

A Recipe For Bright, Positive Mornings

Zara Street

Zara Street has been running her positive lifestyle brand Keep It Bright for over 16 years. So no surprises here: she’s all about keeping her mornings bright and positive! 


The Routine:

  • Wakes naturally. “I prefer no alarm as I feel much calmer and better rested when I let my body decide when to wake.”
  • Reads positive affirmations out loud. “I have a note in my phone where I’ve written all the affirmations that really help me to feel motivated and in a good place for the day.”
  • Listens to a guided meditation. “This helps me to start the day calm and in a good mood.”
  • Walks her dog in the park. “A great way to get some fresh air and reset.”


Why it works:

  • Don’t you feel great when you wake without an alarm? That’s because alarms can interrupt your sleep cycle, leading to sleep inertia and grogginess.
  • Positive affirmations work by rewiring your brain to focus on the positive, boosting your self-esteem and motivation. 
  • Guided meditations provide a structured way to relax, reduce stress, and increase mindfulness.
  • Walking and fresh air: you can’t go wrong!


If you think about your morning routine, which parts of it feel light, bright and positive, and which feels heavy or unappealing? While we can’t always escape the more drudgery parts, we can do our best to sprinkle in some positivity. See if you can find small ways to make your mornings brighter!

Liv Conlon

Wellness Tip:

Try Online Therapy

When your mental health needs a boost, talking it out with a therapist can be a good solution. But what if going to an in-person appointment feels like too much?

That’s where online services come in. These platforms offer access to licensed therapists through video calls, chats, or phone calls, allowing for flexibility and privacy. 

Before choosing an app, ensure the therapists are fully credentialed and licensed to practice. Also read some reviews and check if the app allows you to choose a therapist who specializes in areas relevant to your needs.

Want to give it a shot? Check out this list of the top online therapy services as a good place to start.

Routine Breakdown

Liv Conlon, Mom, Author & Entrepreneur

A Young Supermom’s Morning Formula

Liv Conlon

Imagine being a 25-year-old solo mom running two seven-figure businesses. That’s Liv Conlon. After dropping out of school, she founded a multi-award-winning property staging business, as well as a coaching business called StagerBoss

“I recognize that my schedule could be viewed as quite extreme and it’s not for everyone, but it works for me,” she says. 

The Routine:

  • 4:00 am – Wakes up and prepares for the day. She puts on gym clothes, feeds her dog, and prepares her son’s bottles. “I force myself out of bed, knowing that discipline equals freedom.”
  • 4:30 am – Does a planned strength training session in her home gym while listening to a podcast. “I work out consistently four times per week.”
  • 5:00 am – Takes her dog Kevin for a walk, using a light-up collar due to the darkness.
  • 6:00 am – Drinks a protein shake and joins her mother for a coffee catch-up, discussing business or personal development. “This is one of my favorite all-time daily non-negotiable rituals.”
  • 6:30 am – Begins her workday with a distraction-free deep work session, focusing on the least desirable tasks first. “Deep work is the highest form of work you can do as you get into a state of flow and you’re able to perform cognitively intensive tasks.”
  • 8:30 am – Wakes her son and spends quality morning time with him. “This daily ritual of getting my son out of his cot is my favorite.”
  • 9:00 am – Hands over care of her son to the nanny and starts her second deep work session of the day.


Why it works:

  • There are some compelling reasons to be an early bird. But if a 4 am alarm sounds too rough, do what works for you!
  • Having workouts pre-planned by a personal trainer means Liv doesn’t have to think about what to do, making her more likely to get them done.
  • Walking isn’t just good for the dog; it also gets the owner’s mind and body moving and boosts their creativity.
  • Quality time with mom and baby strengthens family bonds—and those bonds are key to human health and happiness.
  • Deep work makes us more productive, more energized, and less stressed.


“Deep work is a term coined by Cal Newport in his book Deep Work,” says Liv. “Put simply, it’s working distraction-free (no notifications or interruptions from anyone) for a minimum of two hours.” Have you tried scheduling deep work periods into your day?

Leo Babauta

Productivity Tip:

Be an Imperfectionist

Do you ever avoid doing things because you fear they won’t be good enough? That’s the trap of perfectionism! Striving for perfection actually hinders creativity and innovation. Instead, embrace imperfection as the path to process. 

“The primary benefits of becoming an imperfectionist are reduced stress and greater results by taking positive action in more situations,” says Stephen Guise in his book How to Be an Imperfectionist. “The more fearless, confident, and free a person is, the more they embrace imperfection in their life.” 

So, here’s a hack to overcome fear: Assume that your first 100 times of doing something will be ugly or imperfect. And remember to celebrate your small victories and acknowledge the effort you put in, regardless of the outcome. Using Panda Planner to count your daily wins helps here.

Try it today. See where those beautiful imperfections take you!

Routine Breakdown

Leo Babauta, Author & Founder of Zen Habits


“I change my morning routine (and wake up time) to fit my needs in different seasons,” says Leo Babauta. “Some seasons require more quietude and reflection, others more activity and focus, others more mindfulness and movement.” Here’s his latest routine.


The Routine:

  • Wakes and brews some coffee. “I went about 6 months without coffee, and I think it was better for my sleep. But lately I’m indulging myself with some delicious coffee made with a Chemex brewer.”
  • Meditates. “My life is much better when I meditate.”
  • Gratitude. “I like to greet my day with a moment or two of gratitude. How is today a blessing?”
  • Prioritizes. “I sit and plan my day—what tasks do I need to prioritize, when will I do them? I like to have my coffee here, enjoying this moment of quietness and purpose.”
  • Writes. “Next, I’ll either write, or do my most important task. This is another beautiful moment of quiet. Continue the coffee drinking, and gratitude.”
  • Tackles emails. “I’ll tackle as many emails and messages as possible. I give myself about 30 minutes for this, because otherwise it’ll take up the whole day. Then I move on to the next most important task on my priority list.”


Why it works:

  • Ah, coffee. It can be a comforting morning ritual, and it provides some science-backed health benefits. (In moderation, of course.)
  • Meditation is known to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
  • Gratitude sets a positive tone for the day and is great for mental health.
  • Prioritizing tasks helps maintain focus and productivity throughout the day.
  • Limiting time on emails prevents them from consuming the entire day, allowing for better time management.


Leo says he used to move his body in the mornings, but lately he’s been exercising later in the day. We love his ability to adapt and change his routine based on the seasons and what he feels he needs at the time. Something to think about! Does your routine need any adapting right now?