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We were given a beautiful gift with the opportunity of today and another one is not guaranteed. So how will you decide to take advantage of this opportunity? How will you make the most of it?

Joshua Becker on taking advantage of today

Wellness Tip:

Enjoy Some Cultural Activities

Think back to the last time you visited a museum or art gallery. How did you feel afterwards? Calm and relaxed?  

Research shows that engaging with cultural activities is good for well-being. Hospitals in Brussels are even offering patients free museum visits on prescription, as a way to ease their anxiety. 🖼️😌

Art galleries, exhibitions, museums, theatre, opera shows, cinema… the choice is yours. Go solo, or book in a visit with a friend (this also helps you commit!).

Let us know: What’s your favorite cultural activity?

Productivity Tip:

Don’t Rely On Willpower

“Willpower sucks,” says Dr. Benjamin Hardy, author of Willpower Doesn’t Work. “Forget about it.” Why? Because willpower isn’t the best tool for reaching our goals.

The idea that willpower is a limited resource may not be entirely true, but feeling like you lack self-control does point to some problem. Perhaps you have too many temptations around, or the thing you’re trying to do simply doesn’t interest you enough.

So, take a lack of willpower as a sign to change something. Remodel your environment to get rid of temptations. Change up your tasks to make them appealing. Surround yourself with the right people. By doing these things, self-control will be less of an issue.

Read more here. Now, how could you change your environment today to make it easier to reach your goals, without having to rely so much on pure willpower?

Routine Breakdown

Sophie van Oostenbrugge, Founder of GainsByBrains

sophie oostenbrugge

How does a superstar fitness influencer start her day? She:

  • Makes her bed. “You’re less likely to crawl back in after it’s already made.”
  • Does 10 minutes of meditation. 
  • Wakes her body up with 2 minutes of intense exercise before showering and having breakfast. “I either do burpees, kettlebell swings, or I jump rope.” 
  • Journals. “I start by writing down my thoughts, ideas, anything that comes to mind. Then things I’m grateful for… Then I write down what my goals are.” 
  • Takes her dog for a walk in nature. “Get some fresh air – it’s good for the mind, good for the soul, and good for the body.”


Why it works:


How often do you write down your goals? Sophie focuses on two work goals and two personal goals at a time. You can use the daily ‘Priorities’ section of Panda Planner for this, then set larger goals in the weekly and monthly areas. Let us know how you do!

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