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Wellness Tip:

Find Your Ikigai

There’s a Japanese concept called ikigai that’s worth exploring. It translates roughly to “reason for being,” and it’s all about living a life of purpose. 

But, says Anne-Laure Le Cunff of Ness Labs, the Western world often gets ikigai wrong. 

It’s not about your job or one true passion; it’s about the small things. It’s finding meaning in daily interactions, constantly learning and exploring, and having a positive impact on those around you by living a fulfilling life. 

Because it’s a way of living, it can profoundly impact mental and physical health. Ikigai boosts resilience, lowers anxiety, improves longevity, and more.

Read more here and delve deeper into the joys of finding your ikigai.

Routine Breakdown

Karina F. Daves, Relationship Expert, Speaker & Coach

Karina F. Daves

Nurturing relationships is, unsurprisingly, crucial to Karina F. Daves’ mornings. When her alarm goes off at 4.30am, she:

  • Mentally checks in with God and assesses how her body feels, identifying any aches or parts that need stretching.
  • Makes hot water with lemon, a habit of nearly 8 years. “It’s really important to me because it’s helped my gut health so much… if your gut isn’t right, that causes exhaustion, foggy brain, all that.”
  • Goes into her office to pray and read a chapter of a Christian book. “I don’t do this every day, but I did create a prayer board for my family… I’ll just sit there and I’ll pray over the prayer board.”
  • Prepares a nutritious breakfast for her kids.
  • Enjoys alone time with her husband while he makes the kids’ lunches. “Most couples look forward to the end of the day, but… we usually use our mornings to catch up. He’s really good about allowing me to release all the emotions and he coaches me through my feelings.”


Why it works:

  • Drinking lemon water is good for hydration, and it may aid in digestion as well.
  • An 80-year Harvard study found that close relationships are the number one key to health and happiness. Taking time to connect with loved ones daily is a must!
  • Prayer has proven powers. It promotes healing, can help people cope with difficulties, and makes us more grateful and mindful. 


Interestingly, prayer can also help your marriage, according to several studies. Couples who pray for each other report greater relationship satisfaction. But we’re guessing Karina already knows that!

Do you make time to nurture your relationships each day?

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