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When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge—every adversity—contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.

Author Roy T. Bennett

Wellness Tip:

Overcome Setbacks With These Strategies

Every health and wellness journey has its setbacks and challenges. But armed with the right strategies, you can overcome them and smash your goals. Here are some things to try:

  • Develop a growth mindset. See challenges as an opportunity to learn.
  • Break problems into small, manageable steps, so you’re not overwhelmed.
  • Celebrate wins. Progress is motivating! Try the review sections of Panda Planner to record your wins daily, weekly and monthly, so you’re always celebrating progress. 
  • Reflect on setbacks. Analyze what went wrong and identify lessons learned.
  • Practice self-care. Take breaks and do activities that give you energy.
  • Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with understanding, patience, and forgiveness. 


Lastly, be proactive. The sooner you start doing these things, the better equipped you’ll be when challenges arise. 💪 You got this!

Productivity Tip:

Practice the Ancient Greek Art of Dialectic

Reflection isn’t just about looking inward. If we take our cues from Socrates, we should get into dialogue with others – even people who disagree with us. 

The dialectic approach emphasizes thoughtful and respectful dialogue over heated debate. It’s about opening your mind to other perspectives, asking questions and actively listening to answers. 

By applying this approach to your work, you can get clearer on problems, develop more creative solutions, and foster better communication between team members.

Read more about it here and see if it works for you.

Routine Breakdown

David Creswell, Psychology & Neuroscience Professor

David Creswell

Sleep researcher and Carnegie Mellon professor David Creswell says that designing your routine for better sleep helps you operate at your peak during the day. Here are his tips: 

  • Be consistent. Stick to regular sleep and wake times as often as possible. 
  • At night, leave screens and other distractions out of the room. He counts his breath to fall asleep, which helps him break “patterns of rumination or worry.”
  • Keep it simple. Develop a routine you can stick with and choose which activities to sacrifice your sleep for. 
  • Adapt. If a step in your routine starts to feel like a chore, reconsider it.


Why it works:

  • Sleep is essential to every process in the body. Designing your routine for better sleep means you’ll be healthier, happier, and more productive.


Do you get enough sleep each night? What could you do to be more rested?

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