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True love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Wellness Tip:

Express Love in Different Ways

Want a health boost that doesn’t involve celery juice? Show someone some lurve. ❤️ 

Really – research shows that expressing love and affection is good for your health! But beyond saying “I love you,” how can we do that?

Active listening, telling someone why you appreciate them (be specific!), writing a card or letter, helping out, and offering forgiveness are all great ways to express love.

Psychology Today has some more ideas here. So think about who you can express some love to this week and how?

Productivity Tip:

Optimize Your Workspace

An organized, pleasant, and ergonomic workspace makes you healthier and more productive (you know it’s true!). Here are some ways to optimize your workspace:

  • Declutter. Clutter is overwhelming and can actually lead to procrastination.
  • Try to increase airflow and natural light. 
  • Plants, plants… more plants!
  • Keep healthy, energizing snacks handy (and junk food far away).
  • Make your space look nice. (E.g. Try some color theory.)
  • Create a brief end of day tidy-up ritual so you start every day fresh.


How’s your workspace looking? Why not try some of the above tips and see if you can make some improvements. Let us know how you do!

Routine Breakdown

Catt Sadler, Podcaster, Producer & Television Host

catt sadler

“Sticking with healthy practices day after day, week after week, really does work if you’re wanting to stretch into your most powerful self,” says Catt Sadler. She:

  • Opens the curtains to let the sunshine in and starts by making her bed.
  • Makes her morning coffee with a delicious bean-grinding, milk-steaming ritual.
  • Writes in her two journals while listening to some “easy, chill, instrumental music”. 
  • Does intermittent fasting and usually eats something at 11am.


Why it works:

Are you a morning bed-maker? If not, give this famous talk by US Navy Admiral William H McRaven a listen. It may just change your mind… 😉

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