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Sometimes we think too much and feel too little.

Charlie Chapman

Wellness Tip:

Learn Your Family Health History

Do you know your family’s health history? Finding out can help you learn which diseases you’re more at risk of getting. “But I don’t wanna think about that!” we hear you say. Well, hear us out, because there’s good reason for doing so.

Firstly, you can start screening early. You can also talk to your doctor about steps you can take to prevent the disease. And that can make all the difference. 

Find some handy info here about how to collect and act on your family health history.

Productivity Tip:

Schedule a Regular Clutter-Clearing Session

Clutter. It destroys your focus. It makes it hard to find stuff. And it’s bad for your mental health. If you struggle to keep your workspace organized, here’s one step you can take: Schedule a quick clutter-clearing session every week as a form of maintenance. 🧹

Says writer Brooks Duncan, “It could be 15 minutes; it could be half an hour – whatever is appropriate for your situation. Add the schedule to your calendar, so you intentionally block out time to do it.”

This continuous maintenance can help you keep your space tidy. Willing to give it a try?

Routine Breakdown

Barnaby Lashbrooke, Entrepreneur & Productivity Expert

Barnaby Lashbrooke

After working 100-hour weeks and being driven to burnout, the CEO and founder Time Etc overhauled his approach. He now works a strict 35-hour week and is happier and more successful than ever. Here’s how he starts his day:

  • Puts aside 30-60 mins to do something just for himself (e.g. going for coffee, to the gym or for a walk). “It’s about reclaiming my time and freedom back from work, prioritizing my own well-being before diving into the jobs of the day,” he says.
  • Gets his kids ready for school and drops them off. “Spending time with my family is what’s most important to me, so I make sure my schedule fits around them.”
  • Never checks his email or the news first thing in the morning. “All day, every day, we’re bombarded with information – so it’s important to be strict about how and when we let it in. I allocate specific hour-slots each day for checking my inbox or catching up on the news, so I’m not continually distracted.”


Why it works:

  • Prioritizing our own mental and physical wellness over work is what keeps us operating at our most productive. Without one, we can’t perform at the other.
  • Living with purpose makes us healthier and more motivated, and family is Barnaby’s purpose. “The reason I go to work every day is to provide for my family. Spending time with my children every morning reminds me of why I do what I do.”
  • Allocating time to email and news can keep your day on track and keep you working on your goals. As Barnaby says, “If you’re not strict and intentional about how you spend your limited time, the hours can so easily slip away and jobs don’t get done.”


Do you spend part of your morning connecting with what brings you meaning and purpose? What does that look like for you?

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