“Try to get one percent better each day. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them over time. As I like to say, habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.”
– Author James Clear in episode 716 of the HBR IdeaCast podcast.
Wellness Tip:
Spread Kindness (Online!)
Now might not be the best time to go next door and help your neighbor, but you can still spread joy through small acts of kindness.
What has this got to do with your wellness? Glad you asked. Research shows that kindness boosts subjective well-being. Or, to put it in plain English: Helping others makes us feel good! On top of that, it keeps us positively connected with the community and the outside world – something we definitely need right now.
Here are some ideas for taking your kindness online:
- Donate to a cause or transfer money to a family member who’s struggling
- Spread positive messages on social media
- Share skills with friends and followers via a free online workshop
- Make a video call to someone who’s isolated and lonely
In short, helping others can help you cope – it’s the definition of a win-win!
Try doing one kind thing each day this week, and see what kind of positive change it can make for you.
Productivity Tip:
Use a Screen-Recording App for Remote Work
Now that many of us have been thrown into a work-from-home situation, we need the right tools to be productive. Enter the screen and video recording app (we use Loom).
Imagine you want to explain something to a colleague. What’s quicker: typing out a lengthy email, or showing them your screen while you narrate what you’re doing? Video recording apps are the equivalent of letting someone look over your shoulder while you’re at your desk. You can share your screen, microphone, and camera while you record.
Faster than typing and more convenient than scheduling a video call – using an app like Loom really boosts your productivity (and you know what that means… more time for yourself!).
You can download the app for free here.
Routine Breakdown
Arianna Huffington, Founder of The Huffington Post and Thrive Global
- Wakes up naturally and avoids checking her phone
- Takes a minute to breathe deeply, be grateful, and set her intention for the day
- Does 20-30 minutes of meditation
- Does a workout – usually 5-10 minutes of yoga stretches and 30 minutes on a stationary bike
Why it works:
- Gratitude is super-beneficial to mental health. Numerous studies show that “people who consciously count their blessings tend to be happier and less depressed.”
- Intention-setting helps us stay focused. Experiments show that when we set intentions, we’re far more likely to follow through on our goals.
- Meditation has a ton of proven benefits. By reducing stress and calming your mind, meditating in the morning sets you up for a better day.
- And finally, exercise is good for both body and mind. In fact, exercise ensures successful brain functioning.